Tuesday, March 31, 2015

First Attempt at Prime Focus Astrophotography--Orion Nebula

Greetings, astro photo fans,

Last night I had just gotten my telescope set up when I looked up to find clouds had snuck up and covered the entire sky. But hope springs eternal with me, so I waited... First the moon peeked out, then Jupiter, and finally the constellation of Orion! So I took the opportunity to hook up my modded Canon (with an astrophotography filter) to the back of the scope and took a 20-sec exposure of the Great Nebula in Orion. Amazing!! It was very, very hard to focus, but I'm really happy with my first few shots, which I only tweaked a bit in Lightroom to bring out contrast and enhance the gases, but I did not colorize this at all. I think we're in for a LOT of rain for this next week or two, but as soon as we get a hint of clearing, I'll give it another go. And this time, I'll take a series of them and stack them. Should yield a much more impressive image. Stay tuned!

Monday, March 30, 2015

After a long hiatus, Astrophotogirl is back!

Sorry for the 5-year, uh, intermission! To catch you up to the moment, I recently acquired a new scope for observing and astro imaging! Who-hoo! It's a Celstron Nexstar Evolution 8, and it's the first-ever Wi-fi-enabled scope. What that means is, it carries its own computer and Wi-fi, which the user hooks up to via a cool app (on a smart phone or tablet) that shows the night sky. Anyhow, I took my first images with it last night, just holding the camera up to the eyepiece--I'll start learning prime focus imaging in the weeks to come, where you attach the camera to the back of the scope using adapters. Hope you like this first attempt!

And don't forget to check out the total lunar eclipse this Saturday morning EARLY! Totality will only be about 4 minutes long, just before 5AM PST! Supposed to be cloudy here, but... miracles do happen! I'll try to post more on the eclipse before Saturday. Tah-tah for now!

Astro Photo Girl

Moon images for sale , various artists