Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Venus and the Pleiades

Hi, star geeks (said most affectionately),

This week, I hope you all got a good view of the lovely Pleiades (the Seven Sisters) star cluster near bright Venus in the western sky, just after sunset. I love the Seven Sisters -- Did you know that the Japanese call the cluster "Subaru"? I think it looks like diamonds suspended. I haven't had much luck viewing them through a telescope, but they are spectacularly beautiful through my astronomy binoculars.

Because Venus is so bright, it was hard to get a good shot of the subtler stars of the Pleiades beside it, but I did my best. Hope you like!

 Planning to take my 8" scope out to a darker part in town on Thursday night, which is "supposed to" be clear. Hope you all have clear skies as well!

